From Goal Setting to Goal Getting
The most valuable coaching and feedback for an employee is often defined through their performance goals and assessments.  

In this 90 minute class, we empower the employees to set goals for themselves and be accountable for their results. This teaches every attendee how to create a compelling and achievable goal, identify the additional resources they will need to accomplish their goals, and how to be fully accountable for accessing those resources.  

  • Pre-Requisite of Goals: There are 3 beliefs which must be present when considering your goal. 
  • ​Importance of Focus: It starts with knowing exactly what you want, and must include an evidence procedure as to how you will know when you've achieved the goal.
  • ​Set the Timeline: A goal without a date is just a dream. It must be a realistic timeline. 
  • ​Accountability: Your goal must be self initiated and self maintained. 
  • ​Resources: How to identify the personal resources you already have, and  other resources will you need to support you in achieving your goal.
  • ​Principles of Success- There are six characteristics that must be present for successfully achieving your goal.
Respecting Other People's Model of the World
It is an exciting time for the workforce. A time where diversity, equity, and inclusiveness has made enormous strides in the culture of organizations.

  And like many things that have evolved over time, there is a need to facilitate growth through education.

Whether we agree with a person's viewpoint on certain things, or not, is not relevant. What is most important is that we respect each other's model of the world.  
In this series of (2) 90-minute classes, we train people to understand themselves on a deep level. This series focuses on understanding how a person's identity, values, and beliefs can form differently for different people, and that all are perceiving their world authentically through their deepest beliefs. 
  • Model of Reality: The complexity of how a person experiences their world through their senses, how they store memories, and how they created strategies and patterns informs how a person perceives their environment. Understand the complexities here and how each person experiences the world very differently is offered as a way to open people's minds to see and respect each persons model of the world. 
  • ​Layers of a Personality: Ever notice the difference in personality from an architect to an engineer. This is a great example how something as simple as a person's a title, can inform the intricacies of a personality. Understanding how a title, or an identity, has a direct impact to a persons beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors is significant. And we all wear many hats at different moments in a day. 
  • ​Personal Values: They form the core beliefs in a person. They change as a person moves from one environment to another. They change as a person fills different roles at work, at home, and everywhere in between. When a person takes stock on how their values were formed over time, the conversation changes from why a person has certain values and beliefs to how they formed those values and beliefs. And the conversations change to more respectful interests in different cultures.
  • Personal Maps: A tool that can help people get to know each other on a deeper personal and professional level. Opening the window to respectful conversations. 
​Excel in Communications
"The meaning of communication is the response you get."
As people move from one place to another with their head down looking at their smartphone, sending or responding to text messages or emails, the effort put into communicating seems as if it will be completely replaced with emoji's and .gifs. 

This also results in many miscommunications and unnecessary frustrations. 
In this series of (3) 90-minute classes, we teach efficient communication strategies focusing on utilization of personal resources and emotional intelligence. 
  • Communication Effectives, The 7-38-55 Rule: How changing the way you choose to communicate can eliminate the miscommunications, reduce the incoming emails and texts, and give you back the focus time you deserve. 
  • ​Internal Representational Systems, What it is and why it's a powerful tool for creating team alignment and setting clear expectations.  
  • ​Eye Patterns: The way a person moves their eyes when communicating can give you information on how you can most effectively communicate with them. 
  • ​Delete, Distort, & Generalize: We all do it, but we all apply these filters differently. Knowing what is important to someone will help you understand what they are most likely to focus on, so you can tailor your message, while also adjusting your expectations accordingly. 
  • ​Hierarchy of Ideas: Even when it may seem like team members are on a different page, most people have a common goal. We just have different paths to getting there. This tool will teach you how to ask the right questions to elicit their strategy. 
  • The Art of the Reframe: Everybody has a strategy on how they will handle certain situations. But what if their strategy is not as resourceful as it could be. Simple reframes can help shift a persons strategy to be more resourceful, and help with alignment on how to collectively move forward. 
  • Sensory Acuity: We all have it, yet many of us don't trust it. Understanding what it is, how it works, and what to do when we you sense something can be the difference between clear communications and miscommunications. 
Building Positive & Professional Relationships
No matter what profession you choose in your life, the ability to build positive relationships with your co-workers, industry peers, and your customers will only always benefit you over the course of your career.   

In this series of (2) 90-minute classes, we will train you on the fundamentals of positive communication, so that you can build relationships with efficiency.  
  • Instant Rapport: It's not about having common interests, its about having likeness. And when you collaborate with many colleagues on a daily basis, there is often little time to be in rapport. This technique, once you learn it, will be the simplest and most powerful tool in your toolbox. 
  • ​Feedback: It is essential for a growth mindset and learning how to communicate this information in a positive and respectful way can make a difference in your relationship. 
  • ​Flexibility: Also known as "The Law of Requisite Variety." Understanding strategies to effectively incorporate flexibility into rigid situations can lead to fast and effective resolutions.
  • ​The Negotiation Model: How to master the zero sum game, the win-win scenario. 
  • ​Forming Presupposition to Calibrate Behavior: This is a communication strategy where you can lead a person to implement solutions by respecting what is important to them. 
  • ​Perception is Projection: Remember being a kid and having that banter go back and forth "I'm not wrong, you are..No I'm not, you are." There is a lot of truth in this banter. That thing that may bother you about someone else has a deeper meaning in you. So many growth opportunities here when a person can understand these things about themselves. 
LEAN: Embracing Continuous Improvement Culture
The world is moving too fast for any one person to know everything about everything. Even the most senior people in an organization are learning ways to optimize the performance of their business. 

A popular strategy for optimizing efficiency is applying Lean Principles. These principles alone will start a shift in performance.  But if you add the right mindset for the network of employees to be solutions oriented, this can make significant improvements toward a positive workplace culture with improved employee engagement and spark innovation where it would benefit the business the most. 

This series of classes combines the concepts of efficiency in a process with efficiencies in how we learn and think. 
  • Cause Vs. Effect: How a mindset of being "at cause" can lead to innovative solutions. 
  • ​Importance of Focus: In our careers, there are many opportunities to look at our lessons learned for things to avoid (next time), instead of focusing on the best practices.  Celebrating success creates a positive culture where people feel valued, and when we reward problems with our attention, we create negative culture. Shifting the focus will lead to more positive outcomes. 
  • Modeling Excellence: Rewarding excellent performance with recognition perpetuates others to want to model these behaviors. Creating regular opportunities to recognize others will support a continuous improvement culture. 
  • Gemba Listening: A lean term defined as "Actual Place." To listen from the actual place value-creating work is occurring. A continuous improvement culture allows value adding ideas to flow in both directions, organizationally.
  • Lean Tool vs Lean Culture: It's important to choose which is best for your organization. When an organization adopts a lean tool as a standard operating procedure, it may not necessarily be a true lean culture. Allowing for flexibility, however, can have a positive influence to any culture. 
​Coaching & Mentoring from Within
Open 2 Suggestion believes in the power of coaching, and this series of classes has the highest intentions for employees to have access to a coach or a mentor within an organization. 

Participants who complete this class will receive a certification
from Open 2 Suggestion recognizing them as a Certified Success

Since this course offers this credential, there is a prerequisite
to complete all of our trainings of From Goal Setting to Goal
Getting, DEI: Respecting Other People’s Model of the World, Excel
in Communication, Building Positive & Professional Relationships,
Lean: Embracing Continuous Improvement.
As a participant in the Coaching & Mentoring Within course, you’ll gain powerful tools and insights to effectively coach and mentor within your organization, creating positive ripple effects in team dynamics and overall performance. Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • Empower Leadership: Elevate your skills to become a trusted coach who inspires growth, accountability, and motivation among your team members.
  • NLP-Inspired Coaching Format: Experience our Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) inspired approach to coaching, designed to unlock new perspectives and foster meaningful connections.
  • Develop Effective Mentoring Techniques: Learn the art of mentorship, helping team members set and achieve impactful goals.
  • ​Transform Organizational Culture: Bring back actionable strategies to build a culture of continuous improvement, respect, and collaboration.

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Open 2 Suggestion, LLC
Billerica, MA 01821
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